Mosaic Monday - Rustic Hardware

I love old rustic, rusty, weathered door hardware. These were all seen at Lower Fort Garry, Manitoba.
(click on photo to enlarge)
If you want to see creative mosaics, please visit Mary at Little Red House...always a delightful experience!


Gemma Wiseman said…
Beautiful collection of fascinating door features! Love them!
Donna Heber said…

What a neat mosaic of historical hardware. I love the lion.
There is something so strong in the antique doors and their hardware. Unlike doors of today that simply close, these doors were very sound and secure! Thank you! Cathy
Janet said…
A woman after my own heart. Some of the photos are reminiscent of our own doors and hardware. Thanks for admiring John's flowers.
Suzy said…
Interesting mosaic subject!
Pamela Gordon said…
I love the pics of the door hardware. I am always interested in old door knobs, pulls, hinges, etc. Have a great week! Blessings, Pamela
Cindy said…
Hi Millie,
Your mosaic is lovely! And I love Lower Fort Garry, I have been twice and am looking forward to going again this summer with my grand-kids again.
Hugs, Cindy
Your photos have convinced that I'm missing an appreciation for this hardware...I've got to step it up and start noticing!!! Beautiful mosaic!!!
Have a beautiful week!!!
Oh I like your mosaic...I too am crazy for old hardware!
Anonymous said…
What unique and interesting photos, Millie - love your mosaic.
Pondside said…
I have a thing for doors, gates, locks and windows - I enjoyed yours!

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