Tea Time--Inspired by Sandi

Every Tuesday, I visit Sandi for her Tea Time Tuesdays.
Yesterday I made a rhubarb crisp for our dessert, and while waiting for it to bake, I whiled away some time on my computer.
Checking out the postings which came up on my dashboard, I saw that Sandi had already posted. ...Hmmm! ...Rhubarb Crisp!...well I guess many of us are  using that this week...it's fully in season...
And then, I saw something else which was so familiar...cranberry glass!... I used the inspiration copied her idea...... 
My crisp was a little on the juicy side...I guess the rhubarb and strawberries were extra juicy...
It was oh-so-good with a little scoop of ice-cream....

I used a mixed bag of china:
small soup bowls: Tudor Rose by Royal Stafford
Cups and saucers: Foley Devonshire
Cake plate in background: Coalport
Cranberry glass: gift received many years ago, purchased at Eatons
Cloth by April Cornell
Double flowered tulips from my garden
So thanks, Sandi, for the inspiration!


Hi Millie,
Thanks for the smile! Your rhubarb crisp looks so pretty in your lovely china bowls! Love your cranberry glass too! Your whole post looks so rosy and pretty! Thank you for joining me for tea, my friend. It looks like this comment may actually go through.

Pamela Gordon said…
A beautiful table! Your mixed china is so pretty and I love that you used the small soup bowls for your rhubarb crisp. Have a great week! Blessings, Pamela
Cindy said…
YOur tea and dessert table looks lovely and I adore strawberry rhubarb crisp, it's my favorite!!! I picked some rhubarb yesterday and then forgot to bring it inside, when I saw it several hours later I had to throw it away. But I have lots of rhubarb left in the garden. I need to buy more strawberries and I will make rhubarb crisp, too!
Hugs, Cindy
Millie, I'm late visiting from my post last week (still recuperating from an old injury which has kicked up again), but despite my tardiness, I still wanted to thank you for your sweet comments. I appreciate them and you more than you know.

Your pie looks delicious. Wish I had a great big piece of it right now.


Bernideen said…
Oh your crisp looks fabulous - lovely and fun post here!
Tootsie said…
oh that looks fabulous! I think I gained a pound or two looking at that treat!!!
Your table is just gorgeous!
Anonymous said…
That crisp looks so yummy to me! Love your pretty china and the cranberry glass. I have one vase in the cranberry. I would love to find some lilies to put in it! Enjoy your day.
ellen b. said…
Hi Millie,
Thanks for entering my cookbook giveaway. What a lovely post here. I enjoyed it!
Anonymous said…
Hi Millie, Thanks for your comment on the kaleidoscope. The shop owner was telling us that many places are offering workshops in making your own kaleidoscope. Maybe you could make your own - that would be wonderful!

Have a great weekend.
Terri said…
Such a lovely mix of china! Each piece is so pretty! Your dessert too looks so good in the pretty cups.
Unknown said…
Just popped over from Cindy's blog... when I saw the cranberry glass I had to comment. My grandmother has several pieces of it and I have always loved it but where can I find some!!!?? I'd love to have some just to remember her by. :)

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