Family Watch(es)


These are the hands of our family…our son, daughter, daughter in law, granddaughter, and 2 grandsons….we bought watches for all of them for Christmas, trying to suit each watch to the personality or interests they have…what fun we had doing that, at the Fossil store in the outlet mall..

…the only hand not in the picture is that of our son in law…he already had a number of watches..

…I like this photo, because it also signifies their closeness to each other..


Cindy said…
That is a wonderful photo, a keeper. What a great idea to buy watches for everyone and being certain to match it to their personalities! Hope you are enjoying the new snow! I went for a walk in it and then I shoveled all of the walks for my hubby while he painted my kitchen ceiling! It looks wonderful! Hugs,Cindy S.
That is a great photo. I love pictures like that....different!
Darla said…
Cool can see the different personalities by those watches for sure.

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