Monday Mosaic – Sheep


It’s Monday again! That means we all head over to Mary’s for peeks into each other’s mosaic lives…

with Christmas approaching, it should be extra good this month.

Last week, when I posted for the cloche party, I included my Aynsley sheep which Mom bought for me in England. Some comments reminded me that the sheep have great significance at Christmas…and of course they are so right!

The holiday is all about the Lamb of God…

So with that in mind, I thought I would do a mosaic of sheep and lambs. All are from our house, except the one on the kitchen counter (saw it at house tour…love it!).


Below is the real thing…taken on our trip to Scotland last year. I love the way each sheep was looking in my direction. I think they thought I would feed them!…or lead them home…or something…

As we remember our Good Shepherd this Christmas season, let us all look to Him, and rejoice!



I enjoyed the sheep in, and out of your mosaic.
Anonymous said…
Oh, this is a great post! Your little sheep are so lovely and I'm so glad you mentioned Jesus is the Lamb of God! Hallelujah to His name.
Be a sweetie,
Kathy said…
Beautiful mosaic Millie, I never tire of seeing a field of sheep, hubby is Scottish and I am English, hope you enjoyed your trip across the pond, Kathy.
Foley said…
Such a beautiful post...
eileeninmd said…
I love all animals, your sheep are so cute. And I lvoe the sheep ornaments too. Beautiful photos and mosaic.
My name is Riet said…
What a lovely mosaic. I love all of them
Carol said…
Wonderful collection! I love the one near your cooktop!
Cindy said…
Your sheep mosaic is beautiful. Your photo is also wonderful. Interesting how people are compared to sheep in the Bible, and that it was to shepherds that the angels brought the good news of His birth. Lovely post. Hugs, Cindy S.
Lori E said…
Sheep are just so perfect for photographs. They just hang about waiting for you to finish your clicking. It is like it happens all the time.
The indoor ones are nice too. If I were to start one more collection it would be sheep.
Anonymous said…
I loved this post Millie. Beautiful pictures.
storyteller said…
Lovely mosaic of your sheep collection and wonderful photo of the 'real' critters too! I love Mondays and usually share mosaics on all three of my blogs. This week I've shared blue Southern California skies at Sacred Ruminations, interesting shadows & flowers at Happily Retired Gal and colorful pansies at Small Reflections.
Hugs and blessings,
Deb said…
I love sheep Millie & the photo taken in Scotland is gorgeous. The look on their little faces is precious! Lovely Mosaic today ♥
Claudia said…
Sheep are some of my favorite models. I think they look at us in such fun ways.

Great mosaic too.

If you get a moment-- stop by and say hi!

TTFN~~ Claudia ♥ ♥
Candy said…
Love your gathering of sheep and I totally AMEN your thoughts on the Good Shepherd. KING OF KINGS!
Hope you week is smooth sailing ;-)
Mary said…
Oh, what a wonderful collection! Thanks so much for sharing these lovely images at MM :)

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