To see larger photos, click to enlarge.. The May-June 2009 Victoria magazine is one of my favorites, featuring blue and white... one of the open pages with an article on just happens that I have one of the patterns... There is also a feature on blue and white Wedgewood ... I have photographed some of my pieces alongside the article... is my interpretation of blue and white... As a nod to the current issue of Victoria, which features some tea tables in green, I have set out my own little tea table, with some scones... ...or perhaps you'd like to help yourself to a chocolate-cherry morsel? On this spring day, I am joining in with : Celebrate Spring Mary's Mosaic Monday, on whose blog you will see some lovely snowdrops: Also, Sandi is having a special tea party today, so be sure to go over there and enjoy her lovely blog
Enjoy your day.
xo Terri