Thoughts of Titanic

On our trip to Minneapolis we visited the Science Museum, which currently featues the Titanic artifacts and display. It was quite an emotional experience... I found myself teary at several points. We were each given a boarding pass representing one of the passengers, and at the end of the tour we could check the list of survivors to see if we lived or died.
My Grandmother and 3 children came to Canada to join my Grandfather in April, 1912, and travelling on board the Titanic was one of the options she was given. I would guess that cost was what prohibited her, but there are other theories, such as a delay in departure of Titanic. In any case she came on another ship, but I have always been interested in that sad event.


Hi Millie,
I have the movie, Titanic. And I understand it is quite an emotional experience, going on that tour. My son and his wife also went on it. At the end, my DIL discoverd she had survived but my son had gotten the name of someone who died on that trip. It was quite an eye-opener for them. I'm glad your grandmother didn't take that trip!! Thanks for sharing today and enjoy the rest of your week.

Oh yes, the Titanic is a facinating story. I'm quite sure this Museum display would be a true eye opener....especially for you, having someone who might have very well been on that ship.

Thanks for sharing.
lynn'sgarden said…
Must have been an interesting tour..especially with your family's connection. Thanks for sharing, Millie :)

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