Sand to Snow!

After a nice break in sunny Arizona, we are ready for Spring in Manitoba. Just a few pics of what we were doing in the last while…
..A view from our bedroom window…
083 from Trader Joe’s…
…watching a CUBS spring-training game…
…Sightseeing in the beautiful desert…
…shopping, LOTS of shopping!! including a visit to  the “French Bee”
All in all, it was a fun and relaxing time…


Oh you missed a nasty winter! Arizona would've been the best place to be. Have a great spring!
Pamela Gordon said…
Welcome back! I'm glad you had a nice winter away. It's been a doozy here in the Maritimes but spring weather has the snow melting slowly and I'm sure we'll be seeing robins soon. Have a great week! Pamela
Hi Millie Sweetie...
Looks like you had a wonderful time while visiting our beautiful state. I wish I had known you were coming, I would have loved to have met you. I live in Phoenix.

I am tickled you got to enjoy our beautiful weather, and to see one of the Cub's games as well. I love our desert surrounding. We have been here for 25 years and I love seeing the mountains and cactus every day.

Let me know if you come back for a visit. Would love to meet you sweet friend. Many hugs and much love, Sherry
Cindy said…
Welcome home, yes, to the snow.
It appears that you had a wonderful time. I would love to hear about the French Bee, it sounds fascinating!
Hugs, Cindy

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