Thankful People!

This weekend we celebrate Thanksgiving
in Canada.
           I hope all of you have a wonderful, thankful day!
                       Our family is especially thankful...
For many weeks our Grandson has been suffering pain in his hip and leg...doctors, physiotherapists, acupuncture, etc., ...none of it helped..many scary possibilities were put forward...many people praying....
Finally last Monday, a diagnosis...a benign tumour, painful, but operable...
                       Rejoicing here!!

" Now thank we all our God.
With hearts and hands, and voices
Who wondrous things hath done,
In whom His world rejoices,
 Who, from our mothers' arms
Hath blessed us on our way
With countless gifts of love
And still is ours today."


Cindy said…
Oh Thank God for a diagnosis and for it being benign. God is GOOD!
The photos are gorgeous.
Hugs, Cindy
PTL, Millie! What a relief that must be to you, and we do thank the Lord who is the source of our strength and healing.

Hoping you have a very Happy Thanksgiving!


Anonymous said…
Thanking the Lord for the clear and operable diagnosis for your grandson. Many blessings to you and your family, Millie.
Pamela Gordon said…
Millie, I am so thankful to God for the diagnosis for your grandson. God is so good! I wish you and yours a blessed Thanksgiving weekend. Hugs, Pamela
ellen b. said…
Oh Hallelujah on the benign tumour! A very Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!!
Karena said…
Happy Thanksgiving Millie!! So much to be thankful for!


Art by Karena
Hi, Millie... I don't think I slept one wink last night, but after I posted, the storm started to subside. I think everyone's prayers drove it back into the sea, and now we are blue skies as usual, for which this child is very thankful!!!


Sanjana said…
Awww...this is beautiful. Wonderful pictures! Please check out my blog when you have the time :)
Carolyn said…
Hi Millie,
I am sure that was a big relief to all of you!

Thank you so much for your prayers for Lucas.


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