
How blessed we are to have a group of friends who care for, and pray for each other.



Some of our family members are also dearest friends.

Notice how each flower looks pretty on it’s own, but many together are spectacular?…it’s the same with friends…025

Have a wonderful weekend, and I hope you will take time to enjoy some time with YOUR friends and family.


Anonymous said…
Hello Millie, Sending loving thoughts and prayers your way.
Pamela Gordon said…
Very pretty flowers. What is the yellow one? I hope all is well with you Millie. Blessings, Pam
Yes, family and friends are special. Your flowers are gorgeous and the roses especially are simply dreamy! I pray all is well, Millie. Sending loving thoughts and prayers your way. Have a lovely weekend.

ellen b. said…
Amen to friends that care and pray!
Lorrie said…
A lovely reminder in this post, accompanied by pretty flowers. Love the roses.
Anonymous said…
Hi Millie, Thank you for your comment. Would you believe that now I live pretty close to the old Craven Pottery. Years ago, John and I would take my mother and spend the day there; it is now closed.
Thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers.
Donna Heber said…
Hi Millie,

Your flowers are so gorgeous! The blue ones look like campanula. It is great to have wonderful blogging friends like you.
Anonymous said…
Hi Millie,
Congratulations to your handsome grandson. May God richly bless him. Your granddaughter is lovely, too.
Cindy said…
Your flowers are beautiful. I have pink roses in my new garden and I love them! I count you as one of my friends, dear Millie. I hope you are having able to enjoy Canada Day, despite the stormy weather.
Hugs, Cindy

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