Downton Abbey - New Season

To kick off the new season of Downton Abbey, we invited friends to watch it with us. I made a steamed mincemeat pudding which I served with custard sauce.
The silver teas service was inherited from my Mom as was the much - used silver serving spoon. I served the pudding in the crystal bowls shown.
The platter has a "regal" insignia!
We used Royal Worchester "Gold Chantilly" china for our tea, but the program was about to start , and we didn't want to miss one moment, so I didn't get pictures.
I do hope that there are not too many scandalous scenes in Season Five...yes I do know these things took place, but I don't care for graphic portrayals of them!
When watching repeats of Season Four I noticed a table in Isobel Crawley's home which looked very familiar. It is almost identical to one my Dad made from a kit many years ago and which we have in our family room. Photo below taken at Christmas.


Oh my, Millie, does your pudding ever look scrumptious! You know I have made just about everything but I have never made a home made plum pudding and I love the stuff! A friend's mother used to make the home made and it was just about the tastiest treat I've ever enjoyed. I keep telling myself that I will have to make one but Hubby doesn't much care for it and it would seem a shame to make it just for me. My son who lives here on the Island doesn't care for it either so...

I'm with you; I also don't care for the graphic scenes. TV is filled with it these days and it would be nice to watch a show without it being added. Call me old-fashioned but that's just the way I feel. That's my soapbox speech of the day!

Thank you for joining me for Tea Time this week. It's always a pleasure to have you and I wish you and your loved ones a Very Happy New year.

Pamela Gordon said…
That would be so fun to gather and watch the program while enjoying such a yummy treat. I don't have cable or satellite so can't watch it. I've seen Seasons 1-3 on DVD but not 4 so am way out of the loop. :( I also don't care for the graphic scenes that were in the episodes I watched. It's kind of disappointing even if it is 'life'. I hope this season is a good one for you to enjoy.
Beth in NEPA said…
For some reason I have not been able to get into Downton abbey.
I prefer to read rather than watch tv I suppose.
ellen b. said…
What fun to have a Downton Abbey viewing party.
I've never had a steamed pudding like that with sauce, looks so traditional and festive, with all your silver.
I've been a big Downton Abbey fan, but I didn't watch it Sunday night. I love the setting and costumes, and some of the characters, but it seems it's gotten to be a big soap opera. And I could do with out the "realistic" scenes, too. I probably will wait til it comes out on Netflix and catch the whole thing at once.
Happy New Year to you Millie!
Margie said…
I am also an avid DA fan and enjoy their many tea scenes!
Anonymous said…
Oh, how elegant and I'm sure your guests enjoyed this so much! I love Downton Abbey - it just doesn't last as long as I wish it would. Thank you for popping in to see me.
be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Unknown said…
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Anonymous said…
Hi Millie, Looks like a wonderful way to spend an evening. I have started a new blog. Mildred
joy said…
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raynnowui21 said…
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