Tea Time- May 18, 2015 - with SnOw!

Victoria Day is usually the weekend we Manitobans head for the campgrounds and cottages, or have that  longed-for family picnic. Not this year! We have had strong winds, and rain changing to sleet and snow. So it might be a good idea to do a little baking...
I found a recipe for a simple cheesecake with a hidden fruit surprise in the filling.

I assembled the ingredients. I made a bing cherry filling using frozen cherries.

The recipe size was just right for my heart shaped spring form pan.
Time to steep a cup of fruit herbal tea and leaf through a copy of a summer-themed magazine and pretend we don't have snow on the ground!
The cup and saucer is Shelley Blue, one of my favorites.

Enjoy your day, wherever you are, 


Margie said…
Happy Victoria Day to a fellow Canuck! I also love the Shelley Blue teacup.
Your Shelley blue teacup is very pretty and so dainty. And oh my, Millie, does your heart shaped cheesecake make me long for some! It looks absolutely decadent! You can't beat a good cheesecake and yours is so pretty. Those on a diet would be sorely tempted by it! Sorry to hear you have a little snow. We finally got rid of ours and does it ever feel good to look out the window and see the grass getting greener by the day. We've had a wonderful Victoria Day weekend and we certainly deserve it after the winter we've had! Nice weather at long last. Thank you for coming to tea. I'm always happy to have you join me!

Anonymous said…
Millie, that dessert looks amazing! Happy tea! Has your snow melted by now?
Zaa said…
Happy Victoria Day Millie... Your Shelley Blue teaset is gorgeous and would just suit me fine for a special sip of tea...Thank You .... WOW that heart shaped cheese cake is a must on my list of do's... it's so romantic looking... and yummy( Ha Ha)..

I'm so relieved that our snow is finally gone... the flowers are late but peeking through...It is really a time to celebrate ...Thanks for the lovely posting...hugs
Happy Victoria's Day! Dessert looks amazing. Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha
The Shelley blue teacup is gorgeous! And that cheesecake, oh my . . . it looks delicious. Sounds like you made the best of the poor weather. Hope it warms up for you soon!
Lorrie said…
Happy Victoria Day, Millie. The cake you made looks delicious, and what a pretty teacup. Sorry about the snow. Hopefully it will be the last of the cold.
The weather has been strange, hasn't it? At least you could enjoy some summer in your tea! The Shelley Dainty Blue is one of my favorites. And your cheesecake looks fabulous! Hope it warms up a bit this week for you!
Anonymous said…
Hi Millie, The dessert looks so delicious!
Anonymous said…
Oh, my goodness, this looks so delicious! I would love to have a nibble of it and a nice cup of tea to go along with it. Thank you! Thank you for your help with my plants. This is all new to me.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
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