New Years Day Theme Dinner

For the last ten years our family has gathered on the first day of the new year to celebrate cultures of different countries. This year our theme was Scandinavian. We went to the internet to find recipes ...everyone contributed a dish or two. Our daughter hosted.
The menu was posted on the blackboard...
Mason jar hand crafted lanterns were part of the table setting
 Dansk china held some of the main dishes....

We had a lovely feast, and great family conversation. A wonderful start to 2017.
I hope you are all enjoying God's blessings in  the fresh New Year!


Anonymous said…
I love this idea and tradition Millie!
Lorrie said…
What a great tradition. How do you decide what the theme will be from year to year? Does the host get to choose?
That is a lovely tradition to have with family, Millie. Sounds like a lot of fun. I can only imagine the wonderful conversations around the table. Happy New Year, my friend!

Winter blessings,
Unknown said…
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