Sandi, at: has awarded this award to me. I am humbled and honored! Thank you so much!

I am to list things I love, and things I do not support:

I love:

1. All the spiritual elements in my life; The Lord, our church, and the people we worship with.

2. My dear hubby, son, daughter, and their respective spouses, and our 3 grandchildren

3. Canada, in spite of recent goings-on

4. Gardens and flowers

5. Camping

6. Home decorating

Things I don't support:

1. Lying

2. "Gloom and Doom" conversation

3. Gruesome movies

4. Media propoganda

5. Greed

I like to visit so many blogs I really have a hard time choosing a few to pass on the award to, so I will just say that if I am one of your followers, I AWARD THIS HONOR TO YOU!


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