Birds !!

I recently read that birds are very much in fashion in decor…I guess I already knew it, but just took note of those in my own house, which I had bought just because I like nature themed things, not to keep up with trends. Some were also given to us as gifts.

>>>and here is a sampling>>>>

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You have a nice collection of birds, Millie. I am drawn to the white ones of course. Have lovely weekend.

Anonymous said…
What a beautiful collection. I just came from the shopping mall and noticed so many bird themed items. Like you, I've always loved birds.
Anonymous said…
We used to love to spend the day at Craven Pottery at Commerce. I have a girlfriend who lives near there and she recently told me the entire place is closed down. Can you believe that?!
You have some beautiful birds. I LOVE that teapot! laurie
Anonymous said…
What a nice collection of birds! I enjoyed seeing all your lovely photos! I enjoy decorating with birds each season, too.

Debbykay at Rose Cottage Gardens and Farm

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