Old Document 1770’s

I have a copy of a document which is dated from the 1700’s. Unfortunately, I can't read it. I am thinking of getting it framed to hang in my hallway.
005 009  I think this contains the words “The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit”
A sample of the handwriting.012
I would love to know what the document contains..it appears to be a will.


I entered the word "dwoje" in google and came up with a Polish web site, so there's your probable language! As a former French teacher, though, I can tell you that the language as it existed in the 1700's will not be like modern Polish, if indeed that's what it is...or an Eastern European language in any case. However, perhaps someone who can read the language may be able to help you at least determine what sort of document it is. Is it from your family? Wonderfully interesting!! Thanks for sharing!...Debbie
Anonymous said…
Yes it does.. appear to be a Polish Will or contract dates to April 1779 upon the death of who ever that was.

Very neat indeed. Frame this my dear.. what a find!

with love,
Darla said…
You must find an expert in this field...this is wonderful, be careful with the frame you pick out,make sure it's matted so the glass doesn't touch the document!
Wonderful document! Love the handwriting; sure would be nice framed!

Eve said…
I found your blog and wanted to write you, that your right. It seems to be a slavic langueage, I can read some words as I speak Bulgarian and Jugoslawian. I guess its Polish or Czech. It is the last will of someone who handwrite this:
The first sentence meens like: In the name of the Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
In the year 1779 April 8th, I the signatory declare what follows.

I cannt read your picture very well as it is not sharp enough when I enlarge it. But I have a polish friend and maybe I can send her your letter :-)
Have a very nice weekend !
Eve said…
Dear Millie,
I showed your letter to my polish friend and it is really polish. She translated it into German an I translated it into English for you.
Hope I could help you :-)

Here we go:(in brackets my thoughts)

I write this down while suffering from a weakening and dangerous illness, the moment of my death is uncertain ( or: I dont know the moment of my death ). I am however in good mental condition and with my christian believe I want to create clarity between my sons and inherits with this testament.

At first I give my soul into Gods hands. The ground "Tropowskie" named "Instrama tu Rupnego" in the land of Litowskich (in Lithuania?) which is nearby the ground "Siedmioro Stojan" and which is located as the first ground right before the town will be given to Mr. Jakub Prz...(not readable) who is my son in law. I give it to him and want to thank him.

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