Spring Flowers- At Last!

While most of blog land has been posting spring flowers for weeks, in Winnipeg, ours are just beginning to bloom.
Double yellow tulips, a bright spot in the garden

A nice patch of vivid violas signal spring

Pulmonaria, or lungwort, produces both blue and pink flowers on one stem
                                                                      Pink tulips
A rose I received as a Mother's Day gift

Today's little bouquet
I'm joining Tootsie today for flower Friday.
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Cindy said…
Your flowers are gorgeous. My tulips must be early bloomers because they are all finished for the year. Oh and the lavender that I planted last year did not make it through the winter, I am so sad about that. I will try again, though, I love lavender so much.
Hugs, Cindy S
Anonymous said…
What beauties you have shared today Millie. The rose especially is absolutely stunning. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Love your double yellow Tulips. Your flowers are all so pretty!! Thanks for sharing , have a great weekend!
Carolyn said…
Hi Millie,
Your blooms are lovely and you probably enjoy them more for having to wait so long or that is what I tell myself!
Have a good weekend,
Maureen said…
The wait is over! I love the coor of the tulips.
How lovely your flowers are, Millie! I just love Spring! Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

Millie, these are delightful flowers, and I love your header! It's stunning! Wish I were in Canada. It's getting a little warm here of late. Oh, maybe that's because I live in Florida. No wonder! ;-)

Keep posting flowers to us because our hot season is truly just around the bend. I bet Canada is a paradise in the summer with the blooms.


Sheila :-)
Paula said…
What beautiful flowers you have - thaks for sharing them Paula in Idaho

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