Flaunting my flowers – Oct 8, 2010

Yes, it’s time to join in with Tootsie for Friday’s flower flaunting!
I have been waiting all summer for this passion flower vine to bloom, and  finally, it has 2 blooms, and lots of buds, which will likely freeze before long. It’s a nice vine, but i don’t think I’ll attempt it again….

There are just a few blooms which survived our first frosts, so I gathered them into the house…strawflowers, dahlias, coleus, dusty miller, and a couple late hydrangea blooms.

…and the last rose of summer…Queen Elizabeth. The roses also have many buds.

My Mom grew this orchid, and graciously gave it to me in flower. …pretty fall colour…

One thing which is doing very well right now are the ornamental cabbages. They look so vivid in the sunlight! We have been having unseasonably warm weather, so it’s nice to be able to enjoy the outdoors…003

Now head over to Tootsie’s to see more blooms!


BernieH said…
Your Orchid is fantastic ... as is your Passiflora flower! I do simply adore your bouquet of flowers from your garden ... such beautiful colours.
Anonymous said…
Absolutely beautiful flowers and I also love the dishes in the header photo. Hope you have a great weekend Millie.
All of your photos are so beautiful...gorgeous orchid!!! I love your header photo also!!!
Karen said…
Beautiful flowers! :)
Cindy said…
Hi Millie,
Your flowers are all so very beautiful, you are such a great gardener. Enjoy the lovely weekend ahead of us and
Happy Thanksgiving!
Hugs, Cindy
Darla said…
Beautiful color here. It' going to be flirting with the low 90's this weekend and it was just starting to really feel like fall...
Elisabeth said…
I like your pictures ,the flowers are beautifull.The Queen Elizabeth rose is so lovely ,ih had a few in my last garden .Mayby next year i wil plant one in this little garden of mine.Wish you a good weekend ,Elisabeth
pp said…
I am beside myself with all your beautiful flowers. These are seriously breathtaking. It's not just a simple flower arrangement either. You are really talented!

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