My Dad-- The Teacher

This photo was taken in the 1940's, and shows some of the pupils in my Dad's one room school in Saskatchewan (I am the girl on the extreme left).
As I  look at the picture, several things stand out in my dress made by my Mom, without using a of the girls who came from an abusive, alcoholic home, a boy who had frequent  "accidents" in school, and so on.
But the most memorable thing to me is the quality of Dad's teaching...see the care with which the name of the school and the music were drawn on the blackboard, in chalk. What you can't see is the enthusiasm and care he showed in his teaching. It was a country electricity, sparse funding, etc., but we got a good education!
I guess this all reminds me of a Hallmark commercial ...and today is one day I would like to run out and buy him a sentimental card...but this will have to do....

                                                             Dad - 1910-1987
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Anonymous said…
What a warm smile your dad had, Millie. I loved seeing the school photo and learning about his passion for teaching. A wonderful tribute.
Pamela Gordon said…
Great memories of your little school. We seemed to get by with the bare necessities back then and turned out all right. Our world sure is different now. This is a nice tribute to your Dad.
Cindy said…
Hi Millie,
It sounds like your dad was a very special man. What a blessing to have had a dad like that.
I love his music scores, he must have been fairly artistic to have accomplished all of that.
Hugs, Cindy
Anonymous said…
Hi Millie, I hope you and the family have enjoyed Father's Day weekend. If you like dried apples or peaches, you would like the recipe I posted. John can't have sugar these days but this recipe was one my mom made often and it is delicious! Hope you have a very nice week. Take care.

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