Garden Tour -Carman, Manitoba

Carman is a lovely town, and we were impressed with the gardens and landscaping. The garden tour showcased 6 gardens of varying types, but as we drove through the streets, we noticed many beautiful, well-kept yards.
Below is  smokebush, which is not normally hardy in our climate, but  one garden had 3, and we were so envious (in a good sort of way!)

Roses were in full bloom...
Someone had a petunia "tree"
The garden below was a profuson of color, randomly planted.
Lots of hanging pots in one garden, and each one appeared to be perfectly shaped..
Someone had a rustic concrete pad with large log slices for seating...quite nicely suited to the locale, right on the edge of a corn field.

We are enjoying a period of very hot weather right now, quite different from the last two summers, If the gardens are watered, they do well...tomatoes are loving it!


Anonymous said…
Such colorful and immaculate gardens, Millie. We, too, are struggling with very hot temperatures but the tomatoes are doing well! Thank you for sharing your lovely photos. I just love the yellow and blue flower combination.
Pamela Gordon said…
Hi Millie, these photos are so beautiful. I love them all. When we were at Kingsbrae Garden on Sunday (see my post) there were petunia trees there too but sort of mushroom shaped. Smoke bush does really well here as I have noticed a lot of them this summer. Thanks for the lovely tour. I'm loving this hot weather! Pamela
Lovely, thanks for taking me on the garden tour! Love that petunia tree!
Cindy said…
Beautiful gardens! I have never been to Carmen, perhaps I need to check it out.
Your garden is very pretty, too, Millie.
Hugs, Cindy
Hi Millie
Beautiful flowers!

I'll be checking your blog out from now on!
Gorgeous Millie...
enjoy the heat girl,
xoxo~Kathy @
Sweet Up-North Mornings...
DaCraftyLady said…
so pretty our temps are warm but not near as bad as the kmidwest and east...stay indoors and keep cool drink loads of water...I love the blue
OMG!! These gardens are stunning and inmaculate, like a picture, post card! You've shot great pics! Wow!, The colors are wonderful, nature sometimes beats anything men can do, nothing more beautiful than a garden with flowers! Thank you so much for sharing and for visiting and leaving me such lovely comments. Hugs, FABBY

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