Pine Cones

I have always loved pine cones. When we park in a new campground, as we drive in, I am already glancing upward to see what type of pines there are…so over the years pine cones from Oregon, Georgia, Minnesota, Arizona, California, British Columbia, etc., have made their way home with me. When I participated in craft shows my wreaths almost always included cones in one form or another. The days of craft sales (for me) are gone, along with most of my stash of cones, but they still intrigue me.
This last summer there was a bumper crop of cones on our Manitoba spruce trees, so on our fall campout at Hecla Island I filled a bag with the little lovelies to make a wreath just for us. Isn’t the colour beautiful?
Along with the wreath, I have a vase, and a candle holder, both with a pine cone theme, as well as a sugar pine cone.
Well, that’s it for my obsession today!
I'll join in with others at Sandi's Home Day


Anonymous said…
How beautiful! Growing up, our neighbor had a tree with the little bitty cones and I enjoyed collecting those.
Donna Heber said…
Hi Millie,

You have created some wonderful projects using pine cones! We have a Larch tree in our front yard and I should gather up what I can for future use. Thank you for sharing.
eevee-lily said…
hi, I am new to your page, just stopping by to say the pine cone wreath is lovely : )
Linda said…
I'm a collector of pinecones too. Glad you stopped by for a visit and we were able to connect through Sandi's Home link party.
Beth said…
Your wreath is fantastic, Millie! So gorgeous! I think I need to save the pinecones from when I rake up the pine needles for mulch!
Hi: Your wreath is stunning. You are so talented. Have a great week. Blessings, Martha
Very nice wreath and I like the bow on it. I haven't done pinecone crafts for a long time, but you've got me thinking about it again...
Pamela Gordon said…
Oh, I love your wreath and the beautiful bow on it too! The cone vase and wreath are so nice. It is a lot of work to make those wreaths and I wish I had kept mine now. Blessings, Pamela
Hi Millie,
I kind of have an obsession with pine cones too. Hubby can't figure out why. I guess it's the nature lover/artist in me. Your wreath is beautiful and the lovely bow sets it off so nicely. Thank you for sharing at my HOME and also for your prayers for my son. I'm still waiting to hear how he got along this morning.

KathyB. said…
You left a sweet comment on my blog and i came to visit and now follow you. I love pine cones, and have baskets of them by the fireplace.Your wreath is very nice. Is that a spinning wheel I see in your pictures? Do you spin?

I see you're a camper too,my husband and I try to go camping as often as possible and I foresee the days of selling at craft fairs are close to an end for me too, but there are so many other joys of sharing the later years of life being busy with the husband we love. I enjoyed reading over your blog and will be back for a visit, thank-you.
Cindy said…
Your Pinecone wreath is lovely, how sweet that the cones came from our Manitoba Spruce trees.
Your decor is always so pretty, enjoy your day, my friend.
Are you hosting the craft sale this year? I suppose I've missed it, if you did.
Hugs, Cindy

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