Tea Time Tuesday–Spring

It has finally warmed up here in Manitoba, and my mind is filled with thoughts of gardening.
I love to sit in this spot in our bedroom in the warm afternoon sunshine, leafing through a decorating or gardening magazine.
I think I will do just that….with a cup of tea and some lemon tarts in cream cheese pastry.
The cup and saucer are marked “EB” as are many of my pretty china cups. In fact our dinner china is decorated with the same flower bouquet.
006                                 The magazine, although Canadian, seems to deal more with warmer climate garden plants..oh, well, I can dream! I received this nice orchid as a gift, and the forsythia are some I forced, from a garden shrub.


Pamela Gordon said…
Millie, this looks like a pretty place to relax with a cup of tea and a nice magazine. I love that teacup! I'm glad your weather is starting to warm up there. It's been a long winter for you on the prairies. We've had 4 gorgeous days in a row here. We hopped right in to summer all of a sudden here in NB but I sure don't mind. I hope you have a great week. Blessings, Pam
Hi Millie,
what a pretty tea cup. I love the sunrayes in the shape and the lovely green outside. And inside is a wonderful posy. You have a sweet little spot to enjoy tea and gardening magazines. Thank you for sharing.
Best greetings, Johanna
Millie, this is SO pretty. I love the green of that saucer... and the pretty flowers on the cup. Lovely.

That's a nice friend to send you an orchid, and I can't believe you grew that forsythia. It's one of my favorite shrubs, but we don't really see it here. Wish we did!

Thanks for sharing...


Ontario is warming up too and we'll soon have trees in blossom.
I like your cozy corner for reading and sipping tea.
Hi Millie, your corner looks li,e the perfect spot for sipping tea, having a great and reading. I love your teacup, too.
Stephanie said…
The colors in your pictures are so cheerful and refreshing and your tea cup is just lovely :)

That is such a pretty teacup, Millie! I love the soft green with the posies inside. You have a cozy spot to sit and sip tea while perusing your favourite magazines. Beautiful flowers too.
I am looking forward to some warmer weather here. It's been very cool so far. Fredericton, NB got up to 19 today while we here on the Island only got up to 7. The water which surrounds us keeps us cool a little longer I think. I'm so happy you could join me for tea today and I hope you have a beautiful week.

Lorrie said…
What a delightful place to treat yourself to a cup of tea and a lemon tart. I love making the reading of a magazine a bit of an event, such as you've suggested.
Pretty, pretty tea cup. There's nothing like bone china!
Anonymous said…
What a gorgeous reading nook you have. The floral design on the tea cup is lovely. So happy you are enjoying Spring finally!
Stacy said…
Millie, I love the color of your walls and I hope to have a similar sitting area in my bedroom one day. Your tea cup and saucer are so pretty!
Cindy said…
Your forsythia is really beautiful , I need to have some of that in my yard. I was thinking about it just the other day, it is an early flowering perennial that we see a lot of in NOrthern BC.
Your cup and saucer are very pretty as is the orchid.
Hugs, Cindy
Maria Andrade said…
Hi Millie,
I love your china and your flowers, too. Here in Portugal my garden is already full of bloom, which is so nice!
Thanks for visiting.
I Millie,
You have a very comfy spot for relaxing with a cup of tea and some great books or magazines! Love your teacup! Spring is finally here, too!
Hugs, Nancy
Veronica Roth said…
Hello Millie, my fellow Canadian blogger. :) That's a very pretty tea cup. I think I have a similar one but in yellow. Your little sunny tea spot looks very spring-like and warm. I'm so glad spring is finally here all over the country. Hugs to you. :)
Ruthie Miller said…
Dear Millie,
I adore that pretty cup and saucer. It would look beautiful with any setting or dish. Mint green is the color of my new/old tea set I just acquired. So fresh and refreshing. Great for spring.
Ruthie from: http://www.ladybstimefortea.blogspot.com

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