Late Summer

There!---I said it! LATE SUMMER! It got off to a slow start, and I feel I never did catch up. Life's events can do that. 
We do know that the seasons will continue to come and go, and summer has done just that. The garden gives us much is good to get out and till, and weed, and enjoy...


We spend quiet moments by the little pond, watching our 4 goldfish

Enjoy your weekend, everyone!


Anonymous said…
Good Morning, Millie. Your flowers are so beautiful! I think of you often. God bless you!
ellen b. said…
You have such a beautiful garden, Millie. I can see why you enjoy it so!
Lorrie said…
Your garden is full of beauty, Millie. I do love the colour of the dahlia you showed. Looks like ice cream and raspberries. I'm glad you are enjoying your garden.
Pamela Gordon said…
HI Millie. So nice to see your post. Your gardens are so gorgeous! I'm sure you've had a busy summer keeping them looking so lovely. Fall is in the air already. Blessings, Pam

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