Yesterday we attended the Winnipeg Orchid Show, and I came away with a lovely pink splotched orchid... something to lighten the days while we wait for spring weather.
Hi Millie, Glad you got to spend some time away from the cold in Canada. It's more like Spring today but we're going to receive some more nastiness tomorrow; or so they are forecasting. Your orchid is wonderful! Have a great week.
Hello again my blogger friend what a beutiful spring it looks like you are going to have and here our autumn is sneking up on us very quickly..........after the fires and the summer we have had it is a blessing.
Hi Millie! It's so fun to met a fellow faux florist! Thanks so much for stopping by. It does my heart good to know my work room isn't alone in it's craziness! LOL!
I would love to see some of your creations. I'll be back to see what you show us!
Ohhhh! That is beautiful! I've bought my husband several orchids for different gift giving occasions (he's so hard to buy for!) and he has really taken good care of them! So many wonderful varieties to choose from~but I've never seen one like that!
There is a cloche party today! Check out all the lovely posts at A Stroll Thru Life I tried 2 figurines in my cloche: First is an Aynsley sheep which my Mom gave me. Our little snowman violinist by Lennox is in the second set. This is fun! I think I’ll try more scenarios,but now I’m off to see what others have done…
Some shots of my mom's 90th birthday party yesterday. She enjoyed the day, and stayed looking pretty fresh all day... There are many lovely mosaics at Mary's , so why not go visit?
Glad you got to spend some time away from the cold in Canada. It's more like Spring today but we're going to receive some more nastiness tomorrow; or so they are forecasting. Your orchid is wonderful! Have a great week.
I would love to see some of your creations. I'll be back to see what you show us!
Take care,