Blogger Visitor


Yesterday, Cindy from Oakview Cottage, came over for tea…we had never met before, but she lives within walking distance (long walk, to be sure!).

She is as sweet as her blog, and brought me the lovely Salt and Pepper shakers you see above…they will look so good on the Thanksgiving table!

I really enjoyed the afternoon.


Cindy said…
Millie, Thank you so much for the invitation to your lovely home. I enjoyed the visit, the tea and the coffee cake so very much. It was a truly delightful afternoon. Thank you, also, for the link my blog today and the comment on my house. I love the new color! Hugs, Cindy S.
Anonymous said…
Hi Millie, How delightful to have tea with a blog friend. I'll visit her now. The acorn shakers are sweet.
Hey Millie...what a fun afternnon you two must have had and every time you look at those sweet shakers you'll remember the fun you two had....enjoy the autumn days!!!!, xoxo~Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings...
Anonymous said…
Well what a sweet treat that was!

I'd love to have seen a afernoon tea shot of the two of you! But then again, I can never get enough of your blog as I just view into a day dream each time I enter.

Anonymous said…
cute acorn shakers! how fun to have met a blogging buddy in person.
Little Penpen said…
How sweet that you actually met a fellow blogger! Love the salt and pepper shakers.. and I'm headed off to view her blog now.
I am obsessed with acorns this year so these are just right for me, love them...thanks for sharing Phyllis
Sue said…

I love your blog---such beautiful photos---what camera do you use?

How about posting directions on the maple leaves -they are just outstanding.

Anonymous said…
good day dudes. I'm honestly into shoes and I had been digging for the sake of that singular brand. The prices as regards the velcros are about 200 dollars on every page. But completely I bring about this site selling them someone is concerned half price. I really love those [url=]prada sneakers[/url]. I will definetly purchase those. what can you tell me about these?
Anonymous said…
Hello. And Bye.
Anonymous said…
hello ppl. I'm really into shoes and I have been looking for that exact model. The prices due to the fact that the sneakers were approximately 250 dollars on every site. But for all I set this location selling them someone is concerned half price. I in reality love these [url=]gucci sneakers[/url]. I will probably order them. what do you think?
Anonymous said…
good evening bros. I'm really into shoes and I have been digging for that singular model. The prices as regards the shoes were all over 200 dollars on every site. But finally I base this location selling them for half price. I really want those [url=]gucci sneakers[/url]. I will definetly purchase them. what can you tell me about these?

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