Flaunting My Flowers Sept 24, 2009

It's Friday again, and time to join Tootsie for  Flower Flaunting. I can't help wondering how many more Fridays before all will be frozen. Our weather has been lovely, with record highs for September.  Most years, we have very few flowers in bloom at this time.

Here is some of what is still in bloom:
Autumn Joy Sedum

Flower bed -front of house:
Sun-loving Coleus, Lime potato vine,

Some coleus for bouquets:

I must admit, I haven't been fertilizing much these days!
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Tootsie said…
they are all so perfect that they look fake! I am jealous of the beauty you have to share this week!
Oh I hope the frost stays away a while longer!
French-Kissed said…
Hi Millie,

I am so happy you stopped by and left a comment to lead me to your site. I absolutely love flowers and your site is just full of so many beautiful images. Your header is gorgeous and I love all of your recent fall posts. Thanks again for stopping by ~ I'll be back!

Darla said…
Apparently you don't need to fertilize! Beautiful!!
Anonymous said…
Everything looks so bright and cheerie. Very important this time of year when the blahs are just waiting to happen - or maybe happening a little already! ;-)
Erin said…
It all looks so beautiful...can't believe fall is right around the corner...
Everything looks wonderful...So glad you visited with me today Millie, I'm feeling better but still need to stay inside....
Beautiful blooms...makes me kinda jealous...
Linda said…
The blooms have lasted a bit longer this year, but with the chilly nights moving in they won't be around much longer. Stop by and see my anemones that won't stop blooming.
Cindy said…
First of all, I LOVE your new header! It is so beautiful and am I right that the photos are of your own gorgeous flowers. Your garden is still so lovely, I hope I get to see it in real life before it all freezes. I am determined to plant some fall flowers next Spring. Hugs, Cindy S.
lynn'sgarden said…
Not a bloom in that vase but such a beautiful arrangement, Millie! Ya still got lots going on....YAY!

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