My First Note Card Party


I am joining Vee for her note card party today.

These are floral bouquets made from my garden flowers…




006-2 (2)


Anonymous said…
Hi Millie, You make the most exquisite floral arrangements!

Thanks for your well wishes for John.

The book on my blog is part of the Love Inspired series, Christian books by different authors. Here is a link:
Unknown said…
You should be working at or selling your flowers to a florist!!!
Vee said…
Those are stunning! What talent you have. Say, I have a question for you...what color or name do the lilies have in your second photo? (If you know without jumping through hoops that is.)

These would certainly make beautiful note cards. I'd love a set!
Lynn said…
Your bouquets are beautiful! How great that they are all garden flowers-enjoy:@)
Becky K. said…
Welcome to the party!
Beautiful flowers!!
Snap said…
Wow, great debut for Vee's party! Your flower arrangements are gorgeous and your garden must be out of this world! WOWOWOW!
Love your floral pieces! Hugs and blessings, Cindy
Well that makes me want to go to the florist and bring flowers pretty!!
are you a Millie or a Mildred? i ask because my mother is a Mildred. her nickname is Millie. i do not come in contact with many that have this name. such fun. great flowers. so lovely. bright & cheerful indeed. (:
Pamela Gordon said…
Wow! These are beautiful! Did you study flower arranging? Great job. And your gardens must be gorgeous too! Blessings, Pamela
Vickie said…
You must have some awesome gardens! These are beautiful and the flowers so varied! I'll have to come see your gardens! Thanks for sharing these!
ellen b. said…
Pretty bouquets and they would make nice cards Millie. This was my first week, too.
What gorgeous flower arrangements! Those would be beautiful cards!

Cheryl @ TFD said…
You should be a florist! Your arrangements are very beautiful! You choose wonderful photos for notecards.
Cheryl said…
Just arrived at your blog for the first time...and my jaw dropped! What beautiful arrangements you have made...and from flowers that you have grown!

And then I nosed around here a bit. What a lovely blog you have, Millie.
Kati said…
What beautiful arrangements you've made! Stunning! And making them with flowers from your own garden must be all the more fun.
Neabear said…
Gorgeous arrangements you have made! And an awesome first post for the Note Card party! I especially love your choice of a vase/container for the one in the last photo! Thanks for visiting my place!

Lorrie said…
Your bouquets are stunning - perfect photos for a note card assortment!
Anonymous said…
Hi Millie, Thanks for your visit to my blog tonight. How are you and your family?
I want to let you know that John's doctor has decided to surgically remove the salivary gland tumor in the next few weeks. It is delicate surgery and we would greatly appreciate your prayers. Your friendship is a blessing!
Hi Millie,
I am so happy you stopped by for tea. Your bouquets and arrangements are just stunning! Hope you're having a lovely summer. Good to hear from you and have a lovely week.

Beth said…
Love your notecards, Millie! Your floral arrangements are so beautiful - the first one is my favorite. Perhaps I'll see you at the next notecard party; I hope so!
xo Beth

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