My Garden–August 17, 2012

If the garden has a theme today, I guess you could say it is ZINNIAS!


I purchased a flat of zinnias at the end-of-season clearance at a greenhouse. I don’t know what variety they are, but they are lovely! ….huge blooms in brilliant colours. Our weather this year has been perfect for them.



Also blooming is my very favourite shrub, “Limelight Hydrangea”… I now have it in both standard and shrub forms…can’t get enough limelight!




Also, “Hope for Humanity” red rose and a David Austin pink are blooming again..



Gloriosa daisies are in full colour also…


I do believe the garden is in its prime right now.

We are enjoying tomatoes and cucumbers daily, too.

Copy_of_001_thumb[10]I’m joining Tootsie’s Flower Flaunting  today.


Anonymous said…
I always love your garden photos, Millie. Everything is so bright and cheerful.
I should plant more lovely.
Cindy said…
Your garden looks glorious!!! I love the Zinnias, their colours are so vivid.
Have a good weekend, Cindy
Paula said…
WOW! Your blooms are lovely! So glad I got to visit you today! Paula from Idaho Love the zinnias!
Gabby said…
Awesome! Your zinnias are gorgeous. Your garden looks so lush.
Beth said…
Limelight is beautiful, Millie! I think zinnias are a colorful and thus really lovely addition to the garden. I too have been scouting the garden center for end of season bargains - bought some Snow Princess alyssum, originally $4.98, for 50 cents each. Hope you have a good week!

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