Insulted rabbit?

Yesterday I mentioned our resident rabbit, and went on to call it "he".

As my husband was doing some work in the garden he was suddenly startled by some quick movements among the plants. Surprise!...2 little bunnies!
No wonder Momma is hanging around so much...she is guarding her little ones, or possibly being close by for feeding time....
I couldn't get any photos of the bunnies, but here is Momma today....munching on petunias...


Delvalina said…
Aww thats absolutely cute :)

Seemed that day is so warm and beautiful day :)

ellen b. said…
Ahh, they are pretty cute! When I was watering a bird flew out of a bush and I discovered a nest with 3 eggs in it. I made sure to peek from far off and not touch it. Wonder if you'll catch a photo of those bunnies?
Anonymous said…
She is lovely among the petunias.
Stephanie said…
Absolutely precious! Thanks for sharing :)

Pamela Gordon said…
That is so cute! I would love to see her babies too.
So cute and what a great picture of the bunny! I just noticed this morning my resident bunny has been really chewing on my flowers. Haven't seen any little ones, though!
Lorrie said…
That's a great photo of a very cute bunny. I hope the family doesn't lunch at your place every day.
Cindy said…
We have two rabbits in our yard frequently, but I have never seen little ones. You got a really good photo of this mama rabbit.
Hugs, Cindy
I am working this summer and soon to go to church camp, so there really isn't any good time for me to have you over, sadly. The plants that you gave me are doing splendidly though!

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