Feeding Chickadees

Our children and their families went on an outing to one of our Provincial Parks during the Christmas break.
The walk through the woods had a purpose….now what could be in the coffee can???
(click to enlarge photos)
brandi w birdseed
Sunflower seeds, of course!
The birds were very hungry, and it didn’t take long before they were eating out of their hands!
Brandi and chickadee
Chick-a-dee-dee-dee..that’s what their song is…
I like this…cell phone in one hand, and chickadee on the other. The birds also ate seeds off the girls’ heads, but we don’t have a photo of that.
savvy w birds
Family pet, Mac, enjoyed the day, too.
All photos taken by our daughter, at Birds Hill Prov. Park.


Anonymous said…
Beautiful pictures by your daughter! Amazing to see the birds eating from their hands. Your grandchildren are lovely. All the best to you in 2011.
Cindy said…
Hi Millie,
Those are great photos, looks like you and the kids had a lot of fun.
I love the chickadees, we have a lot of them in our yard year round, they are a joy to listen to and watch.
Hugs, Cindy
Pamela Gordon said…
What great pictures! I have done that before and it's a wonderful experience. Your grandchildren are very sweet :-)
Oh, Millie, what wonderful photos! I love chickadees! I have them coming to my feeder but to have them eat from your hand would be such a treat! Enjoyed looking at all your previous posts as well. I hope you had a wonderful holiday season. Thanks for your visit and have a lovely weekend.

Adamsandlar said…
Its nice to see this wonderful pics its seems that your grandchildren had enjoyable moments over there with chickadees.........and the pics was amazing

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