More Contrasts

I am looking back to summer, when we enjoyed lots of colour…it is all so WHITE now! These were taken in our yard today , and  back in the summer, from approximately the same vantage point. I am joining in with Mary’s Mosaic Monday.
        (Click on photo to enlarge)
……..longing for summer here!…….


Pamela Gordon said…
Me too! And it's still months away. But we can always dream. Your summer pics are beautiful! Blessings! Pamela
Cindy said…
Hi Millie,
Sounds like maybe you are longing for warmer climes, is it time to take off for Arizona yet? I'm sure you are looking forward to the warmer weather!
Your place looks lovely even with all of the snow. Be sure to stay safe in the snow now.
Hugs, Cindy
We have pansies in the yard that are in bloom, but we've had to put frost blankets out to protect them. The cold got our banana trees which were gorgeous. They will come back, I hope, but I hate it when they freeze.

Your yard is beautiful in both seasons, Millie :-)
Suzy said…
The change of the season's never ceases to amaze me. I love seeing the contrast.
Pondside said…
All that colour hiding under all that white stuff!'s like knowing a secret.
Waiting, is how I see the winter photos. Spring will be here soon, right? Take care and enjoy your week.
Hello from Norway. It`s the same here.. we just have to wait. But every day is closer the spring and summer. Enjoy it!
Such a startling contrast!!! The flowers are so gorgeous and the snow was gorgeous for a day or two I'm sure!!! Sending you warm wishes since you sure need them!!!
Have a wonderful week!!!
Kit said…
I just love seeing the photos from both seasons. We too are deep in snow and trying to keep warm and our sense of humor! :) Kit
Lorrie said…
You'll appreciate spring and summer all the more for the snow and cold you've had this year. But oh, it's such a long time to wait.
Hi Millie,
I am so looking forward to green lawns and flowers! Here in Atlantic Canada we have been getting storm after storm. Spring can't come soon enough for me! Your maid of honor tarts look wonderful! Would love the recipe. Hope you have a lovely weekend.

Thanks for coming over & saying hello & your sweet comments....want you to know that i have replied when you've made a comment on my blog - but just realized today that my reply's via email to you go to "no-reply" because your email isn't in your bog :( somewhere out there in cyberspace is your comment waiting for you from me! lol Hugs to you & thanks for stopping over! xoox
ps - unbelievable all your snow.....

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