Royalty–the Queen

Today I will be glued to the television, watching the wedding of Kate and Wills…I wish I could be in London…I would love to be  outside Buckingham Palace when they do the balcony scene…

I have always been very interested in the Royal family, and I do remember the Queen’s wedding. I was just a little girl when she was married, and my parents woke me up to listen to the ceremony on the radio….that high voice of the then Princess Elizabeth, making her marriage vows.

I am thinking about the first time I saw the Queen here in Winnipeg. It was 1957. My first job was in a downtown office, on the 6th floor, right on the route the Queen would be travelling. When the moment came, we all leaned out of the open windows and cheered, then , because the motorcade drove very slowly, we all rushed down to the street and were able to get a view from that vantage point. How exciting!

queen elizabeth 

Later that evening my husband and I were driving down town, and quite unexpectedly, we saw the open car in which the Queen was being driven to a formal dinner . She was dressed in a blue gown , and wore a tiara…more excitement!

Since then, I have seen her several times, , sometimes within a few yards, and my husband was just a few feet away on one occasion.

I am sure that today, she , like any Grandma, will be proud of her grandson and his new bride. May God bless them!QE2

(Sources of photos unknown.)


Pamela said…
Hi Millie, I've been glued to the tv since 5:00 am! Wasn't it a beautiful wedding? I have also seen the Queen and Prince Phillip in Fredericton and outside of Buckingham Palace in 1992 along with Charles and Diana! That was an unexpected and exciting moment for me. I hope you have a great weekend. Blessings, Pamela
Anonymous said…
I have enjoyed the television coverage - it has been like watching a fairy tale - so pretty!
Unknown said…
A blessed wedding and I loved every minute...they were perfect in every way..they gave it their all and became shinning star's..
So happy for you that you had that special moment to see the Queen! How Royal!
Cindy said…
It was pretty wonderful seeing that balcony scene on TV. I happened to be at a hotel, so I saw it, even the new Duchess was in awe of the magnitude of the crowd, eh?
I have seen the queen on several occasions, as well as Prince Phillip, Princess Ann, Prince Charles and Princess Diana.
How wonderful that you saw and remember the Queen's wedding!
Have a wonderful evening.
Hugs, Cindy
How wonderful that you got to see her in person, Millie! Very exciting, and I love the royal family, too. That wedding was fabulous, and I wish that precious couple many happy years together and a long, long life.


Sheila :-)

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