Birds Hill Park

We took 2 grandchildren to Birds Hill park this morning!).
We saw a couple of "fairy rings" and lots of mushrooms.

Chokecherries are very plentiful this year.

Goldenrod is abundant

Due to our rainy summer, the evergreens have done very well.

This man made hill was built in 1984 for the visit of the Pope.

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Cindy said…
I love Birds Hill Park. We went to the Farmer's Market there for the first time just a couple of weeks ago. I love the restaurant there and the gardens, they are so pretty! I did not know about that hill, though. I think we saw it. We stopped at the parking lot that over looked the lakes, then we went down to the larger of the two lakes. Good post! Hugs, Cindy S
Tootsie said…
cool park!!! I am not a fan of fairy rings...but the rest is lovely
Anonymous said…
My family stopped here one weekend for a picnic when I was a kid. We had no idea of the significance of the hill until we read the plaque. I felt quite surprised, as a kid in rural Manitoba, to find myself standing where the Pope himself one stood.

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