Today's Bouquet - Aug 11

No arranging...just plunked them in a vase!


Blues & whites go so well together! Very pretty! Have a lovely week.

Cindy said…
Millie, you cannot imagine my excitement!! I have been watching for a Winnipeg blogger and have not found one until today! I am in East Kildonan, probably not far from you. It appears that we enjoy the same kind of blogs as I frequent almost all of the ones in your favorites list. It also appears that we enjoy the same kinds of decorating. I am going back now to read more of your blog. I would love to meet you! Hugs, Cindy S
lynn'sgarden said…
Millie, simple AND elegant...these are the best that vase!
Anonymous said…
Blue is white is so refreshing. I adore those crown containers. Currently, I am on the search for some "crown things". Have a wonderful day.


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