After the Frost – One Last Bouquet of the Day

004 cropped Today I was outside pulling up the soggy, slimy, frozen annuals from the garden.   There were a few fall asters bravely showing their lovely purple colour, so they now are showing off in my kitchen, along  with coloured kale. I am sad to think that this will be the last bouquet from the garden for this season. I have resolved to purchase flowers periodically during the next few months to brighten our surroundings. Since there is the promise of spring, I did plant some tulips and crocuses, so hopefully while I look out at a  drab landscape, they will be preparing to bring joy in a few months!



Cindy said…
Your asters and kale are sooo pretty! Hugs, Cindy S
Anonymous said…
What a perfect fall color! I adore purple in the cooler months. Thanks for grabbing those last few and snapping a shot or two for us!

Anonymous said…
Purple is my favorite color - the asters and kale are so pretty together.
Darla said…
Your fall photos from Minnesota are beautiful as well as your Thanksgiving photos. I'm sure your asters look lovely in your kitchen. There is a season for everything, enjoy the beauty of them all!
Your photos are so pretty, Millie. I love the ones from your Thanksgiving posts; very festive.
Have a lovely weekend.


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