We’ll Be Celebrating!

Tomorrow we will celebrate my Mom’s 90th birthday, with an afternoon tea party. I decided to make these strawberry treats, as Mom made them for special occasions when we were growing up…so sweet, and how we kids loved them!

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They are a mixture of jello powder, sweetened condensed milk and coconut.

Now I’m going to bake shortbread cookies, another memory of Mom’s baking.

Yesterday we treated Mom to a massage and manicure at a Spa. She loved it!

Because of her love of orchids, we had this pretty corsage made up.



Anonymous said…
A very happy birthday wish to your Mother. What beautiful candy & orchid. May God bless.
Anonymous said…
I wish her well and pleases give our love to her! Happy happy Birthday!

Misti smith said…
I'm hopping over from 'Little Red House'/Mosaic Monday and I was THRILLED to see these jello strawberries!!! My Mom used to make them for special occasions when we were kids too! (and we loved them!!) My Mom passed away last year (cancer at age 59)and my sister and I have talked many times about these "yummy strawberry moments". We don't know where she kept the recipe and have wondered how she made them several times- all we knew is that she used powdered jello, because we would lick our fingers and 'sneak' tastes of it (I would love to carry on the tradition and make them for my kids:). Would you mind sharing the recipe with me? my email is: misti29@comcast.net

Best wishes.

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