Visiting Minnesota in Autumn

***Any of the photos can be enlarged by clicking on them***

This week we took a little trip to one of our favorite places-- Minnesota.

We camped near Minneapolis at Baker Lake Park.

I picked some lovely colorful maple leaves

I tried out a method to preserve them , and rather like the result.

This weekend we celebrate Thanksgiving here in Canada
We are planning a family dinner, so I have to change from vacation mode to chief cook.


Anonymous said…
Beautiful pictures and I wish you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving.
Donna said…
Chief cook? Blah to that!!! heheheheh
Great pics! Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said…
Hey.. that's some great color there! I think the last time I was in Minnesota (about 14 years ago to Ely & Effie & Big Fork) it snowed in October and it was a must to go out shopping for warmer clothing!

Soon the temps will drop here, but Autumn is in the air!
Just loved seeing all your beautiful pictures!

Could you tell us how you preserved those leaves? They look so pretty!
Thanks for stopping by my blog today. Snow...humbug!

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