I haven't posted for a few days, as my mind was elsewhere, although I did stop by some blogs to keep my spirits up.

And no, my posting today is not about redecorating or refurbishing, or any of that, much as I love doing and reading about those things.

About 9 days ago, our family was here for dinner to celebrate my birthday. After we had eaten, our son in law said he thought he would go in to the emergency dept. of the hospital, as he wasn't feeling well. The evening before, he had experienced shortness of breath and chest pain while out walking.Needless to say, our daughter, grandson, and all of our family were very concerned about him as he awaited an angiogram.

The end result was that today he had several stents put in, as he had blockages in his arteries of up to 85 %!

We spent the greater part of today in the hospital waiting room (which for us became a praying room!)

Many people were praying for his situation, and we are so thankful that this was caught before he had a heart attack.

Now, on to the reason why I titled this post "before and after". The doctor gave us photos of his arteries before and after the procedure, and what difference there was! From a narrow channel to full blood supply...

Which started me thinking about our spiritual there is a huge difference when we repent of sin, and turn to Jesus in faith. It really is a CHANGE OF HEART!

Psalm 51:10

Create in me a pure heart, O God,

and renew a steadfast spirit within me.


Hi Millie,
A belated Happy Birthday to you! Bless your heart, you've had a very big scare! I'm glad your son-in-law is going to be alright. My, these episodes do bring us to our knees, don't they? Where can we go but to the Lord? I will pray for him also and hope that all will be well with him and your family. Take care.

Carolyn said…
Hi Millie,
Glad your son in law was spared a more serious problem as well.Glad your faith helped you through this difficult time.
Take care,

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